Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parish Family,
This weekend is ACA (Annual Catholic Appeal) announcement weekend. We have the opportunity again to support our local Church in sharing and proclaiming Jesus Christ beyond merely our parish. The ACA helps directly fund the ministries and outreach of our Diocese of Toledo. I am very grateful for the support I received from the ACA during my time as a seminarian – it funded my education and formation and continues to do so for our seminarians today. The ACA also helps support Catholic Charities, including Helping Hands here on the east side. The ACA has become one of the charities/apostolates that I support more significantly than others (with one exception being my giving to our parish) due to the local impact it makes for Jesus and our Church. We can do much more by joining together in prayer and by our giving. Please join me in generously supporting the ACA this year. This past year we were at about 80% of our parish goal, but I hope with your help we will reach our goal this year. Thank you for all of your support of the ACA in the past and of course all your support of our parish.
Please also mark your calendars for the Tetelestai passion play performed by Cleveland Performing Arts ministries, April 1, 2, and 3. This has been a long time coming and had been delayed by the pandemic. Thank you to the Pastoral Council members who have worked hard on making this happen. What a beautiful opportunity we have to enter into our Lord Jesus’ passion during Lenten time and also invite friends in the area to join us. More information will follow here in the bulletin and elsewhere.
In Christ,
Father Eric