First Sunday of Advent
Dear Epiphany Family,
Happy Church/Liturgical New Year! We begin a new cycle of Scripture readings at Mass and again come back to the power of Jesus, the Word, in passages that we last heard at Mass three years ago. As we prepare our hearts to welcome the Lord Jesus’ coming this Advent a beautiful way to always prepare our hearts to welcome him is encountering his great mercy in the sacrament of reconciliation. If you have been away for a while, do not be afraid, for it is Christ we truly meet in the sacrament and he wishes to free us, forgive us, and bring us peace. I am so humbled to be an instrument through which he forgives sins and also humbled and encouraged by the example and striving for holiness of those who confess. Come let Jesus love, free, heal, and forgive you.
There are more opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this Advent season:
Wednesday evenings at St. Thomas, 5-5:45pm (before 6pm Mass; outside of Advent and Lent, 5:30-5:45ish)
Thursdays and Fridays at St. Stephen, 8-8:20am (before 8:30 Mass – regular confession times) Saturdays at St. Thomas, 3-3:45pm (before 4pm Mass regular confession times)
Sunday, December 5th, 1-3pm at St. Thomas with Eucharistic Exposition (with an additional priest joining me to hear confessions)
And in our deanery:
Tuesday, November 30th, 6pm at St. Jerome – Advent Penance Service
Tuesday, December 14th, 6:30pm at St. Ignatius – Advent Penance Service
Mark your calendars, welcome Jesus and experience the peace only he can give.
In Christ,
Father Eric