28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family,

We love because God first loved us (cf. John 4:19). We give because God first gives us everything. We begin to say thanks to God by giving of ourselves to God and one another. We are invited once again to say thanks to God by supporting our Legacy of Faith campaign for our parish. We do have a beautiful legacy of so many who came before us from all of the former East Side parishes who generously gave of themselves in countless ways. We are called to carry on their legacy as one Epiphany of the Lord parish family. We can only move forward in our call to discipleship and sharing Jesus with others when we walk and work together. You can find a Legacy of Faith envelope in your packet or otherwise designate your gift to it. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity.

I am thankful for the prayers and support I received during my recent bout with Covid. I think my symptoms were milder compared to many people, but it still drained me and as I write I continue to rebuild my stamina. Please continue to keep me in prayer daily as I strive to be a good shepherd and of course know of my prayers for our whole parish family.

In Christ,
Father Eric

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here