“Gaudete” Sunday – 3rd Sunday of Advent
Dear Epiphany Family,
This “Gaudete” Sunday invites us to rejoice – “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near” (Philippians 4:4-5). It has not been as easy to rejoice in a year of challenges but the One who makes all things new is ever nearer, always entering into the messiness, darkness, and challenges of our lives just as He entered into our world as one of us. Our celebration of Jesus’ birth on Christmas is closer and we are invited to welcome Him anew with all of the hope, joy, and peace that He brings into our lives.
Christmas Masses are always so beautiful and joyful, and this joy of Jesus always seems to be so tangible to me. We have the beautiful opportunity at Mass most Christmases to see old friends again, families coming home, and also our brothers and sisters in our parish and community that we would like to see more throughout the year. What a great blessing it is to have more people, more of the Body of Christ, join us. I encourage you all to welcome Christ in all who come join us for Christmas Masses, allowing them to see Christ in you through your friendliness, patience, joy, and understanding, all radiating from the joy Jesus shares with us. Happy Gaudete Sunday! Let us rejoice in Jesus, the source of all joy, a joy that never fails.
In Christ,
Father Eric