28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
My Dear Friends in Christ,
What a busy and exciting time at our parish! I enjoyed the photos and videos of Fr. Melwin’s first Pet Blessing experience.
On Sunday, we celebrated the Rite of Acceptance at the 11:30 am Mass for Brileigh Garbers, Harry Anderson, Shannon Anderson, and Lindsey Newland are the unbaptized in our community who are preparing for full initiation at the Easter Vigil: Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. In addition to them, Josh Anderson Senior, Josh Anderson Junior, and Maiya Myler are preparing through RCIA as candidates for Full Communion in the Catholic Church. Kataleena Flores was baptized Catholic and will join them to prepare for First Communion and Confirmation.
We also have individuals in the inquiry phase who have been coming to our parish desire to become Catholic. If you know someone interested in joining the Catholic Church, have them contact Kathy Fech who will work with them on incorporating them into RCIA which is the process used for anyone ages 7 years or older desiring to become Catholic.
In today’s Gospel we hear about the healing of lepers who were suffering in so many ways. This story reminds us that Jesus’ healing can be both physical and spiritual. The one leper that returned to share his gratitude shares with us that he recognized and experienced “the power of God” in his life. We have many members of our community sick and suffering in the hospitals right now. Please pray for them to be healed as God sees fit: physically and/or spiritually. Sometimes, our loved ones don’t get well in the way we hope or expect but God is constantly working in them to provide the spiritual healing that leads to eternal salvation.
Please offer special prayers for Fr. Melwin Dsouza this week as he attends the World Priests Workshop at St. Meinard, Indiana. We pray his time away is beneficial to his ministry here at Epiphany of the Lord. Remember that we should constantly be praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The diocese has sent us information to share in the bulletin as we pray for all those in the various phases of discernmen. We are blessed that Ben Dollarhide and Joseph DeCant, sons of our parish, are both in formation for religious vocations. Pray for your children’s and grandchildren’s future vocations. Discuss their vocations with them so they will be open to God’s plan for them.
I hope your calendars are marked for these upcoming, important events: I look forward to celebrating our Senior Day of Reflection on Tuesday with our St. Anthony Society. Fr. Mike Geiger will be joining us as our guest speaker. Also, don’t forget that next weekend is our Requiem for the Living Concert at Sacred Heart. The concert begins Sunday at 4 pm. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Please keep me in your prayers and be assured you are always in mine.
Blessings upon you always!
Father Gilbert Mascarenhas SAC