Christ the King

 My Dear Friends in Christ, 

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of OurLord Jesus Christ, King of the Universewhich is also the last Sunday before we begin the season of Advent. When we think of a king, we often think of crowns, royal vestments, and a palace. We think of someone who has servants— not someone who serves. Jesus offers us a new understanding of what it means to be a king. His life is the example of how we are to be servants to others. His kingship is an offering of ourselves to others out of sincere, Christian love. Let us take a moment to ask ourselves: Is Christ the king of my heart? How do I allow Christ to reign in me so I may serve others? 

With December 31st fast approaching, we often find ourselves making New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps in 2020 you would like to get more organized, spend more time with your family, lose some weight, or eliminate a bad habit. Self-improvement is hardly a negative, but we often look at our exterior lives before our souls. We know our goal is to be with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven. How do we get there? We prepare our souls for the coming of the Messiah. In preparing for Christmas we are not only planning for the birth of the infant Jesus. We are preparing ourselves for the child that is born to rise and fall for us. Note that the Church’s Liturgical Year begins with first Sunday of Advent— a month before the new calendar year. Before looking at self-improvement for 2020, how can you look at soul improvement? While we will be putting Advent commitments in the bulletin beginning next week, it’s not too early to start looking at your soul and seeing where you need to make changes. 

This week, many of you will be traveling or preparing for guests to celebrate Thanksgiving. The Greek word “Eucharist” literally translates “thanksgiving”. Amidst giving thanks for family, friends, and feasts, are you also thankful for our Lord who gives us Himself in the Holy Eucharist? On Thursday, November 28, please join us for 8:30 am Mass at our St. Thomas Aquinas campus. If you are traveling, I urge you to find a Mass near you to attend. Please also consider joining us for a beautiful East Toledo tradition— the Community Thanksgiving Eve Service which will be held Wednesday, November 27 at 7 pm at Calvin United Church of Christ

It is a joy and blessing to serve you as your pastor, 

Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas SAC 

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here